· Byron Noble, Paula Burrows, and Stacy Mahieux star in the new web series, The Dangers of Online Dating. Photo: Facebook/Sandra Minarik. With eHarmony reporting a quarter of all Canadians aged have tried online dating, it shouldn’t be a huge surprise someone would create a web series about finding love, well, online Week #1 Show Teaser The Dangers of Online Dating. A sexual health nurse with a tactless moral compass, uses online dating to avoid falling in love. Starring Paula Burrows, Byron Noble and Stacy Mahieux. Fave 60 Share 10 Views Comments 64 · When browsing the web for risks related to online dating, the first hits that pop up are STIs and HIV. According to the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (), dating apps are increasing the rates of STIs (Kelsey, ).Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
The Dangers of Online Dating - ComedyCoup
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New web series chronicles The Dangers of Online Dating - Vancouver Presents
· Byron Noble, Paula Burrows, and Stacy Mahieux star in the new web series, The Dangers of Online Dating. Photo: Facebook/Sandra Minarik. With eHarmony reporting a quarter of all Canadians aged have tried online dating, it shouldn’t be a huge surprise someone would create a web series about finding love, well, online Week #1 Show Teaser The Dangers of Online Dating. A sexual health nurse with a tactless moral compass, uses online dating to avoid falling in love. Starring Paula Burrows, Byron Noble and Stacy Mahieux. Fave 60 Share 10 Views Comments 64 · When browsing the web for risks related to online dating, the first hits that pop up are STIs and HIV. According to the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (), dating apps are increasing the rates of STIs (Kelsey, ).Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
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